Well - not much new is happening with the wedding plans. 3 of my girls got their dresses in and they love them! I'm excited! I've also purchased their gifts and Dru has purchased the gifts for his guys.
I've decided to do all of the flower arrangements instead of hiring a boutique to do it. They were going to charge a fortune for something that I think I can handle. Of course I will have help - I'm not that crazy!
We booked our caterer too. Still Spanish food - but we got such a better deal with The Latin Cafe in Bloomingdale! I'm super excited to have them on our team!
We also booked the DJ. We are using some church friends and I'm very confident in their abilities!
Dru is going to find his tux next weekend and then get with the guys to get them all fitted. I still need to find the outfits I want for my flower girls. It's a challenge because one of them is up in Canada. We will get it done though. I'm not worried about it.
I'll be sending out my invitations soon. Within the next couple of weeks or so. I'm really excited to get those out the door!
Dru and I are getting really excited to be husband and wifey!
That's it for now! Love you all.
God Is Not On My Side
9 years ago